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Parents can rest easily ...

¡Koala watches over our babies while sleeping!

New baby monitor which captures not only the sounds in the baby's room, but also senses the quality of its breathing, its hearth rate, its temperature and its sleeping position. All of this received from an application in your cellphone.

Koala health baby monitor is a device that allows parents to be present in the healthy growth of their newborn children even in the moments where they should rest..

Biotrend KOALA sensor is alert during the night when parents should rest, helping them to keep their son protected, and warn them quickly about any episode that requires their immediate attention.

It is medically proven that the best early non-invasive apnea indicator is pulse oximetry or blood oxygen saturation.

Biotrend has its own technology for measuring oximetry since 2010 and Manufactures thousands of oximeters that are currently working in the most prestigious health centers.

Biotrend has integrated and miniaturized its technology to create this product that will revolutionize the market due to its reliability in measurement and its excellent application for smartphones.

koala img web 02 en

koala img web 07   Blood oxygen saturation (Oximetry).

koala img web 05    Heart rate.

koala img web 04   Temperature.

koala img web 06   Change of sleeping position.

koala img web 03   Ambient audio.


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  • Biotrend KOALA - Baby Monitor



bulletEasy to use app

The application is very easy to use. The same as any baby monitor in the market, you can perceive the sounds of the baby's environment and its vital parameters. 

bulletProven expertise

Biotrend has a proven and efficient technology in oximetry with thousands of equipments sold in Argentina and the world. 


Sensor’s anatomic shape lets infant’s movement without limitation.

bulletSafe rest

 All state changes in blood saturation, temperature and position are early detected and analysed to warn parents who are resting only in case of necessity.


The system lets with a simple touch on app screen to listen the environment audio. Is my son crying? is my son waking up?


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